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Wooden Bed As Well As Newborn Baby Cradle Modern Bed As Well As Crib Models

Wooden baby cradles are among the first few places a child learns to sleep Babies are attracted to motion for sleep and most likely associate the rocking motion of a cradle with the movements they felt while snuggled in the safety of their mothers womb Thus newborns can seldom resist the gentle rhythms of a rocking cradleBaby cradles come in two basic styles the simple rocking style and the swinging or pendulum style The rocking style has rockers on the bottom of the legs and provides a rocking motion much like a rocking chair Vintage Primitive Wood Rocking Baby Cradle Hand Made Doll Crib with Clock Hand made wood wheels are The wood and cardboard mattress board has the original fabric and is slightly bowed The original fluffy mattress is included Also included is the original pillow covered in a matching pillow case

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Wooden Bed As Well As Newborn Baby Cradle Modern Bed As Well As Crib Models
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Posted on Wooden Bed As Well As Newborn Baby Cradle Modern Bed As Well As Crib Models

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